

Shape and Maintain

There could be a high chance that you could actually be supporting a brow Shape that is not the right fit for your face cut! 

BrowScape™ is our trademark brow design technique based on the aesthetics of eternal Golden Formula / Phi Ratio.
We study your facial structure and suggest a brow shape that not only compliments but enhances your facial features. Once the right shape is carved out, you can maintain it on your own or seek professional Brow Waxing or Permanent hair removal by electrolysis epilation with us, for long lasting results.
A little change in arch, length and thickness can make a huge perceptive change in facial features.
A right shape of brow can also compensate for a long or round face. Our Brow expert show you the best option for your brows and on your approval the finishing touches are given by Brow waxing to give the highly defined brows. Client may also choose to get rid of unwanted brow hair with high quality electrolysis epilation.

Benefits of Service

Who benefits from Brow Shaping ? Anyone who can identify with one any one of the following:

  1. Any client who has enough dense brows but is not satisfied with the shape
  2. Any client who wants to camouflage long or round face.
  3. Clients who might be wanting to do away with their Unibrow
  4. Clients who might be looking for long term alternative to regular plucking or threading.

Choose Your Price

by Top Artist

Shape and maintain


by Advanced Trainee

Shape and maintain



What Our Clients Have to Say

Whether its a client with high fashion sense or a patient seeking restorative brow procedure, all our clients have one thing in common- A complete sense of aesthetic satisfaction with the quality delivery of our services.